Question 1) Did he commit the crime…
Question 2) Was he convicted?
Yes, sorta…. Plea bargain

Here are the parts of the story I don’t understand. Why the Jones to catch him now? The docudrama?
Probably. But California was bankrupt the last time I looked. Do you send three police officers to pick up a director about to receive a lifetime achievement award or do you infuse money into today’s cases? Does anyone believe this isn’t media motivated?

What about our victim, a woman who’s tried to move past this instance for DECADES. Does this woman really deserve the repeated “flavor of the month” she’s received over the decades? Last time I checked California was a victims right state. But apparently I’m wrong.

I think, more than anything it’s a case the State of California thinks it has a chance with but then they thought that about O.J.

It’s forty years later and time for everyone to take a deep breath. Two years ago I read an article, an innocent article in Vanity Fair where the author stated that when Polanski was in town he stayed at a certain friend’s house. That is a slap in the face, illegal immigration and all that. Thus the jones.

I’ve always wished I could see Polanski direct one last American Movie. There is no doubt he has IT, whatever IT is. I also realize that if, at age thirteen a man his age who was paying me decided that “sex would make the performance pure” well, that would be a false statement. Forty years later the victim is entitled to peace, and I shall never see another American Polanski movie.

The fact that his tragedy surpasses hers tonight? Shame on us all.