PRISONER 4374It seems right now we are seeing a lot of novels set in Victorian times and with the popularity of it growing most of the books are quite worth reading, unlike when other trends seem stretch just how many books we need of a particular sub-genre. One we recently read was PRISONER 4374 by A.J. Griffiths-Jones and it was fascinating.  It’s written as an auto biography by Dr. Thomas Cream who has long been on the list of Jack The Ripper suspects. Paperwork proves he was in a prison cell in Illinois at the time of the killings, but was he really?  Griffiths-Jones did an awful lot of research on this and came up with a very clever way to deliver the information in a fictional but based on fact way. The book is 101 pages, not including photos so it’s a quick read. It’s also an awesome read and we would recommend it to Ripper fans for fans of the Victorian era.