Acclaimed comic creators Alex Grecian, Jeremy Haun, B. Clay Moore and Seth Peck have launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to finance a new hardcover collection called BAD KARMA VOLUME ONE.
BAD KARMA VOLUME ONE is a 200-page collection of comic book stories, prose and artwork, created by writers Grecian, Haun, Moore and Peck along with a host of collaborators. The book, which is the focus of a Kickstarter campaign beginning on Monday, December 10th, debuts five original comic book concepts in full-length stories, as well as full page illustrations by some of the greatest talent in comics, inspired by the main concepts.
The Kickstarter campaign will run from December 10, 2012 until January 10, 2013. BAD KARMA VOLUME ONE is scheduled to debut at Heroes Convention in Charlotte in June of next year.
The five main stories in BAD KARMA VOLUME ONE are: MIDDLETON, by Alex
Grecian and Phil Hester; CHAOS AGENT, by Jeremy Haun and Mike Tisserad; OLD DOG, by B. Clay Moore and Christopher Mitten; HELLBENTby Seth Peck and Tigh Walker; and THE NINTH LIFE OF SOLOMON GUNN written by Grecian, Haun, Moore and Peck, with art by Haun. The book’s cover has been designed by acclaimed writer, artist and designer Jonathan Hickman.
A list of contributors to BAD KARMA VOLUME ONE can be found on the
project’s Kickstarter page.
About Bad Karma:
Alex Grecian’s debut novel, THE YARD, was a New York Times bestseller, and its sequel, BLACK COUNTRY, will be released in June 2013. Grecian also co-created the Image Comics series PROOF.
Jeremy Haun is the artist on Top Cow Productions’ THE DARKNESS, as well as the co-creator of Oni Press’s THE LEADING MAN and Image Comics’ BATTLE HYMN, among many other projects.
In addition to co-creating THE LEADING MAN and BATTLE HYMN with Jeremy Haun, B. Clay Moore is the co-creator of Image Comics’ HAWAIIAN DICK and DC Comics’ JSA THE LIBERTY FILES: THE WHISTLING SKULL.
Seth Peck is currently writing X-MEN for Marvel Comics, and co-created ’76 and SORROW for Image Comics.
Bad Karma Creative can be found on Facebook, Twitter and at