Acorn Media

Dominic Da Vinci (Nicholas Campbell) is a coroner for Vancover. For those unfamiliar with Canadian policy, the coroner is in charge of all deaths. It is his (or her) responsibility to rule as to whether or not a death was accidental or intentional. They have the right to issue warrants and call an inquest (essentially a type of trial with a jury) to rule on a death and receive suggestions as to how things might better to handled in the future.

So while the show certainly is a police procedural, it also contains more humanity. There are episodes looking at the problems dealing with mental health, the impact and politics involved with placing blame on the loss of life on a fishing boat.

DVI looks far more real than any police show we currently have in the U.S. The characters look and feel like people we see around us. As a result, the suspension of disbelief is much easier than with CSI or Criminal Minds. Credit for this must be given both to the producers as well as the cast. While the cast does an exceptional job making these characters real people, the producers have made sure to avoid the glossy look and feel that is often part of television.

Though not as good as the first, season two is engaging, entertaining and well worth the price of the package.

Buy Da Vinci’s Inquest from Amazon.

Jeremy Lynch
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