Fox Home Entertainment
Release date: Nov 9th, 2010
MSRP: $59.99
Extras: Deleted scenes, Dr. Ekman’s blog, “Dr. Ekman/Dr. Lightman — Lie Detection Tutorial,” “Eli Loker– An Honest Man.”
Stars: Tim Roth, Kelli Williams, Brendan Hines, Monica Raymund, Hayley McFarland

LIE TO ME stars Roth as Dr. Cal Lightman, an expert of micro-expressions (body language, the Facial Action Coding System) and head of The Lightman Group. Cal is hired by various law enforcement organizations as well as lawyers, businesses and many others. The character of Lightman is based on Paul Ekman, the real-life pioneer on micro-expressions.

Season one of LTM was ok, but lacked focus and an overall sense of purpose. Roth has been excellent and his supporting cast is solid, but it never seemed to find its stride and thus managed to do little more than stay afloat.

Season two has seen things really improve. I am not sure what has happened, but it feels like everyone involved has stepped up their game a bit. The second half of the second season started in early June and the quality was consistantly good until the finale. It feels like more is at stake. Cal has been put front and center far more than in the past. While he has always been the main character, other characters used less often. I am sure they are less than happy about it, but it seems to have helped the show. Roth’s portrayal of Cal is very physical, his body language and mannerisms are fascinating.

Shawn Ryan (THE SHIELD) came on board as the show-runner for the second season, so he may be responsible, but that would not explain the difference from the first to second half of the season.

Whatever the reason, I heartily recommend that folks pick up season two. The character of Cal Lightman is a dynamic one that is worth the price of admission.

Order season two of LIE TO ME.

Jeremy Lynch