I just read three books with Eric Powell back to back. S trades of The Goon and Superman, Escape from Bizarro World. I’m a big fan of Eric’s art, kind of a cross between Steve Rude and Will Eisner and yet totally his own style, one which is easy to spot.

THE GOON: CHINATOWN AND THE MYSTERY OF MR. WICKER has The Goon rescuing a damsel in distress, fighting monsters and making a few new enemies. in A PLACE OF HEARTACHE AND GRIEF we see more of the same, some of it antogonized from the previous story. As with all the Goon work Powell gives us a gentle giant doing crazy things with a nice dose of humor. I can’t understand why anyone would not love this book with is pulpish noir tone and fun monsters.

SUPERMAN ESCAPE FROM BIZARRO WORLD is written by Geoff Johnsand Richard DOnner with Powell doing the art. His style jumps off the page and it’s a great look for a tale with Bizarro. Bizarro kidnaps Pa Kent and creates his own world. Just a monster trying to discover who he is and a place to call home. Parralells with Frankenstein’s monster are hard to ignore. Johns goes one further and makes this sometimes laughable character into a misunderstood soul and sympathetic.

All three of these books are great reading and with Eric Powell on board it’s a given that they are looking good. But don’t forget the terriffic words.