Directed by: Paul Feig
Written by Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo
Starring: Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy.

Watching the previews for this film for months before it opened, I cringed. Reading the reviews after it opened, I smiled. The final result fell somewhere between those two reactions.

PLOT: Annie’s (Wiig) life is on a definite downturn in terms of a job, a credible boyfriend, roommates, everything. When her BFF, Lillian (Rudolph) asks her to be Maid of Honor at her wedding, she’s happy, but concerns about her ability to pull this off, (screw-up that she is), begin to surface when she meets the ultimate wedding planner in a new friend of the bride (Rose Byrne). The plot concerns the rivalry between these two women as the wedding closes in on them.

There are at least half a dozen scenes in this film that are as funny as any you’ve seen in similar fare like THE HANGOVER, GET ME TO THE GREEK, etc. Wiig is winning in the lead role and her no-holds-barred approach goes a long way toward the film’s success. It avoids being a series of sketches as often happens in SNL alumni films. It had a cohesive plot.

Things that didn’t work out as well for me was the constant theme of jealousy between women that ran through the film—just too stereotypical. The slapsticky bits were first rate, but there were almost no lines of dialogue you’d remember after leaving the theater. It was also very long for a comedy and perhaps overly sentimental. How many hugging scenes do we need? I counted at least five in this one. Estrogen-induced or not, too much.

All in all, I’d recommend it though. Women have the right to be as vulgar and desperate and funny as men.

Patti Abbott writes crime fiction short stories. She hosts a look at Forgotten Books every Friday with readers, writers and reviewers at She hopes you’ll join in.