Written and Directed by Damian Szifron
Starring: Ricardo Darin and many fine Argentinian actors

WILD TALES was enormous fun—if you have a tolerance for violence, mayhem, and people exacting revenge or working themselves into states of great rage. There were six stories of varying length. Some a bit too long perhaps but none were a bust and at least half of them were darn brilliant.

In each tale, someone has been pushed to the breaking point. Sometimes it comes quickly—like the tale of two women in a café who wait on a man who has done great harm, or more slowly –as in the story of a man trying to save his son from arrest after a hit and run. Some are played almost entirely for laughs, but others have more resonance with the frustrations we all feel going about our daily business.

The less you know of the specifics, the better. But I can’t imagine anyone not getting a kick out of WILD TALES despite the first one’s unfortunate resemblance to a recent event. See such things do happen.

Highly recommended.

Patti Abbott