Season four of this show, shown originally in fall of 1971-spring of 1972, is another masterpiece. The writing is top notch and you can see that the writers understood the need to mix things up. We have episodes with international intrigue like the two part The 90 Second War, cases with simple theft turned sour like as in the episode with Vic Morrow and John Ritter called Two Doves and Mr. Morrow. There is a wonderful episode with Buddy Epson as the leader of a scam to use stolen travelers checks. Hume Cronyn is back as the villain with a million faces in Odd Man In. Such issues as serial killing and blackmail are common as are episodes with McGarrett trying to keep the mob out of Hawaii. The plots hold up well and in a lot of cases the police work they show is ahead of its time. Forensics play a big part and so does the knowledge of needing cases to hold up in court.
Once again the driving force of the show is McGarrett and his drive to see justice done. While he is obviously a swinging single, nothing interferes with work, not even the government. McGarrett also has a relationship with his fellow detectives and treats them with respect. All members of the Five-O team are important and no one man makes it work solo. He assumes each officer can do any job assigned to them and they seem to always come through. I think television writers of today’s shows could learn a few things from watching these episodes.
I should also add this this is one show that I always let the opeing run all the way through, I love the theme song and the intro montage.
The Islands of Hawaii made it easy to entice guest stars on to Hawaii Five-O and anyone familiar with television from the seventies and eighties is sure to recognize people throughout this season. 24 episodes strong this set doesn’t have any special features, but who cares! The show is great, and again I recommend it highly.
Jon Jordan