A couple of weeks ago, I heard rumors of a sequel to Eastern Promises. At the time, I did not put much stock into it as it seemed like an unlikely move for David Cronenberg. He has never talked about doing a sequel to any of his work.

It appears I was wrong!

While talking to MTV, the fabulous Mr. C expresses not only interest in a follow up to the 2007 gem, but optimism that it would happen:

“We are going to have a meeting very soon between me, Steve Knight (screenwriter) and Paul Webster (producer) to discuss what the script would be,” Cronenberg said. “I have some very strong ideas about what I would like to see, but I would like to hear what they have to say as well. And then after that, if all goes well, Steve goes away and writes a great script. If we all like it, we make it.”

According to the piece, the follow-up would certainly include Vigio’s Nikolai. Mr. Cronenberg and Mr. Mortensen have worked on two films together: EP and A History of Violence. Apparently the two have become good friends.

I would love to revisit their world and hope the magic is there for a second go around. Normally I dread sequels, but I think there are still some stories that could be told with how Eastern Promises ended.

Cronenberg and Mortensen consistantly deliver the goods, I have no doubt that they won’t do it unless it is good and worth making.