There are new rumors floating around, some more established than others, regarding who will star in John Singleton’s big screen version of The A-Team.
Tyrese Gibson has told both Chud and Coming Soon that he is planning on playing B.A. Baracus (Mr. T on the show). He said that he would keep the mohawk, but would ditch the chains. He also commented that he would be hitting the gym to bulk up for the role.

Meanwhile, Latino Review is reporting that Bruce Willis is being looked at for the role of team leader Col. John “Hannibal” Smith. Smith was originally played by George Peppard.

While I think Willis would be fantastic, Gibson seems like a Hollywood choice rather than a smart choice. Ice Cube had been rumored as being up for the role, I think that would have been a far better choice, his personality seems a better fit for a man known as Bad Attitiude.