Lee Child’s badasss protagonist Jack Reacher just took another step towards the big screen.

Paramount has signed screenwriter Josh Olsen to adapt the Reacher novel One Shot.

“Jack Reacher is working on his tan with a Norwegian blonde on the beach in Miami. The weather is hot and he is so cool you could skate on him. But he doesn’t like to stick around. He likes to be on the move. He was in the machine his whole life. Then the machine coughed and spat him out. Now he takes it easy. He’s not looking for trouble. But sometimes trouble looks for Reacher.

A lone gunman hides in a parking garage and shoots into a crowd in a public plaza in a small Indiana city. Five random people die in a senseless massacre. The shooter leaves a perfect trail behind him and the police quickly track him down. His name is James Barr. It’s a watertight case. After his arrest, James Barr refuses to talk. Then, to his lawyer, he utters a single phrase: “Get Jack Reacher for me.” But Reacher’s already on his way. What could connect this obvious psychopath with our wandering ex-army cop?

By the time Reacher hits town, Barr’s been beaten badly enough to forget everything about the day in question. So Reacher begins to piece together the wealth of evidence; he does the math and comes to a few conclusions of his own.”

Olson was nominated for an Oscar for his script for A History of Violence, a film that rocked my world. He also wrote one of the stories for the very cool Gotham Knight.

Olson is also adapting Dennis Lehane’s short story Until Gwen for the silver screen.

If Olson can do half as good a job, Jack Reacher may well be Hollywood’s next franchise hero.

One Shot was previously acquired by Wagner/Cruise productions. Paula has since split from Cruise and there is some question as to whether or not he will still be producing.