Hard Case to publish lost Block novel

Word came this today that Hard Case Crime will be publishing BORDERLINE, a Lawrence Block novel that has been out of print for over 50 years. The book will also feature a very cool new cover by Michael Koelsch. On the border between El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico,...

Web of the City by Harlan Ellison

Hard Case Crime Pub date: April 2nd, 2013 Harlan Ellison is best known for his science fiction and fantasy stories. But way back in 1957 before he was a blip on anyone’s radar, he wrote Web of the City. He wrote it under some interesting circumstances as well. He was...

Cover for Stephen King's JOYLAND

I have a confession: I have never read Stephen King. I know, he is a legend and is supposed to be quite good. I just never got around to actually buying any of his books. But that does not stop me from thinking he is a cool Mo**erF**k*r. King, of the biggest authors...