The door is closing on 2008.Jon and Ruth have always enjoyed the fact that the year begins to end as we give thanks for what we have. Like many we will spend our tomorrow with Family, eating too much and watching the parade. This year has been an incredible journey. There were friendships formed that will never break, an amazing effort by all who contribute to Crimespree to make up for Ruth’s sabbatical, few health scares in the immediate family, and a new beginning for the country we call home.

The challenges continuebut so too, does a climate that is ripe for a new dawn of creativity, learning, and that thing that everyone who reads this site has in common, the written word. For those of you who soldier on writing in the mystery field, we salute you, for those who work in it, god bless (whomever your God may be), and for those who read it…. Thank You.

Thank you to all who spent time with us this year, and an extra big helping of Mashed Potatoes to all who subscribe to the Magazine. You make our lives better every day. On Thanksgiving Day 2008, we will raise a toast and celebrate you all.