This is our third in a series of author’s sharing photos of where they work when they create the great books we love to read. I find it interesting that the work spaces seem to be a different at the writing styles.
If you click on the photos you can see them larger.

Alafair Burke

Alafair Burke

Jeff Lindsay

Jeff Lindsay

Denise Mina

Denise Mina

Brian Freeman

Brian Freeman

Alafair Burke;
I am a neat freak in almost every respect, except when it comes to my workspace. In my office, I have a tendency to make piles of books, bank statements, legal research, dog toys — just about anything that can be piled — until said piles eventually tip into a heap. I know where everything is, though, and Double (see dog in motion) gets to leave his toys scattered around and is even allowed to sit on the sofa.
Jeff Lindsay:
and those are only SOME of my guitars….
3d from left is my Doubleneck
5th from left is ancient 1/2 size Rickenbacker
last on right is not a guitar — a tres.