C2E2_13 (30)We’ve been going to C2E2 since the first one and every single year we have a great time. For me the minute I walk in the building it starts, you hear a buzz that gets louder as you approach the exhibitor hall. You start to see more and more people, some dressed up in cosplay gear, some just wearing t-shirts with their favorite geeky stuff on it. The thing that stands out the most is that everyone looks happy. They are all excited to be there,
We make a whole

Jill Thompson!

Jill Thompson!

weekend out of it, we drive down with other members of our Crimespree crew, we stay with some really good friends in Chicago and we look forward to it all year. When we hit the McCormick center we split off and do our own things and then meet up at lunch to compare notes. We look at the sketches Dan has been getting, we show off cool comics we’ve found and show off the autographs we’ve gotten. We talk about which booths we enjoyed hitting. And then we split up and go look for the cool stuff out friends told us about.
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Jimmy Palmiotti

Every year I discover some new comic creators and new comics I end up adding to my monthly buy list. We also have a great time meeting publishers. The folks from Quirk have a great booth and they publish some really great books. Last year everyone from Crimespree went home with at least 5 books from the people at Quirk including “Breakfast For dinner” which is an awesome cookbook.
I also love all the costumes. A lot of them are really clever and it’s a gas to see these people wandering around.
C2E2_13 (13)Some of the things we’re looking forward to this year include authors Simon R Green, Chloe Neill, John Scalzi and Charlaine Harris. Our boy Dan is planning to wait in line to meet Stan Lee. We are looking to a lot of the comics guests, Adam Hughes, Gail Simone, Brian Azzarello, Jill Thompson, Dan Jurgens, Jimmy Palmiotti, Tony Moore, Neal Adams, Amanda Conner and tons more. It’s a great line up. There are also tons of celebrities. I want to make sure to see Mick Foley, I love his books.
Click through here for a list in each category: http://www.c2e2.com/Guests/Comic-Guests/
If you are anywhere near Chicago April 25- 27 you should really stop by, it is a huge pop culture extravaganza that can’t be beat.
DanC2E2And if you are anything like me, you’ll love getting home with huge piles of great new comics and books to read and great pop culture toys and merchandise.