This is what you see when you walk into my personal office. Yes, the desk is messy, but I can find whatever I’m looking for. No, really. (And if you want a closer look at my desk, visit http://www.josephfinder.com/general/my-desk/)

This vintage poster for Olivetti typewriters was a gift from my wife. The typewriter’s zooming along a railroad track, throwing paper instead of smoke — if only every writing day was that easy.

My reference bookshelf, topped by a set of Russian nesting dolls painted to look like the leaders of the former Soviet Union, and part of my collection of book posters. I sit with my back with them; otherwise, I might feel too much pressure . . .

Work in progress. My desk is actually a long library table, and the view is Commonwealth Avenue — one of Boston’s busiest streets, but all I see are trees. It’s very soothing.

The library in my office. This is my intelligence collection, or at least most of it. The poster’s from the movie version of HIGH CRIMES. If you look closely, you can see a poster from PARANOIA on the floor, which I haven’t gotten around to hanging up yet.
JOSEPH FINDER is the New York Times bestselling author of twelve previous novels, including The Fixer, Suspicion, Vanished, and Buried Secrets. Finder’s international bestseller Killer Instinct won the International Thriller Writers’s Thriller Award for Best Novel of 2006. Other bestselling titles include Paranoia and High Crimes, which both became major motion pictures. His latest, GUILTY MINDS, came out on July 19th.
He i a founding member of the International Thriller Writers Association, is active in the Boston Book Festival, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and lives in Boston. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter and his site.