The Archaia booth, yes you must go.
We know. You’ll head to the Marvel booth. You’ll get your t-shirts at that giant square shirt stand. I’m sure you’ll pick up your Pocky at any Japanese candy table. Do not forget to go into Artist Alley. But what you might not expect is the can’t-miss Archaia booth.

Lets start with the obvious. They’re books are amazing. Absolute works of art. For over a decade Archaia Entertainment has provided incredible alternatives to the typical. The quality of their work is always the top of the scale. Predominantly, their books are in graphic novel form. That is not to be said there aren’t monthlies. “Fraggle Rock” and “Mouse Guard” are two prime examples of the exemplary ongoings. Both, of course, are collected in graphic novel form. All books are proudly displayed at their always stylish and sleek section for everyone to enjoy. And their library is quite extensive with something everyone can enjoy. They have books for all-ages like the must read “Cowboy,” “Rust” and the upcoming “Pantalones, TX.” Don’t mistake “all-ages” for kid books. All those books can be obsessed over easily by adults just as well. Never has “all-ages” been used more correctly. Gorgeous, creative books like “ the Dapper Men” shine for those looking for a lovely read. And every category is used with their mature line. “The Killer” series is some of the best crime noir series in the past decade. For fans of crime fiction (you) this is a must read. “Titanium Rain” and “Iron: or After the War” are two very different war stories, the latter more subtle but neither low on quality.

Lest we forget the mind-blowingly brilliant “the Secret History.” It’s heady but one of the most intelligent and stunning reads around. This isn’t everything and a lot of titles were just thrown at you. Perfect reason to stop and see what book fits you best.
What attracts one aside from books? Why, presentation of course! And Archaia does presentation very well. The sight of it pulls you in, and the staff knows how to keep you there. Stop in and say hi to Mel Caylo, one of the many bright, welcoming faces. Always ready and willing with a handshake, he’ll get you started on any and all interest in books you might have.
With so many amazing things at this amazing con to see, Archaia absolutely stands as one of the main things to check out. So, casually stroll in, search for something new, or go with a mission, either way, you won’t leave disappointed.
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