DC Comics May, 2015   Anyone who knows me, or who has spent any time at all interacting with me on the interwebs, knows I love Captain Marvel. No, not Marvel Comics’ alien soldier. Nope, not even Marvel’s African American Avenger. Although, she had one of the...

MARVEL ZOMBIES #1 with Kate (and Dan)

::Dan sprawls on his favorite easy chair, legs over the arms, feet pointed at the ceiling, head almost on the floor. He’s flipping through the Netflix and Hulu and Amazon at an alarming pace:: D: One trazillion internet stations, and nothing to watch! This is what...

Ms. Marvel with Kate (and Dan)

Dan and Kate are relaxing in leather wing-backed chairs in the library at the Asylum in St. Paul. A large globe sits to the left of Dan, a decanter of ginger ale rests on the table next to Kate. The walls are lined with fancy looking books that neither of them have...

5 Things I loved in 2014

ORDINARY GRACE by William Kent Krueger Simply put, this is a novel that saw Kent take his game to the next level. Kent's Cork O'Connor series is, in my opinion, one of the best ongoing series today. The characters age, love, suffer loss and grow. OG is the author's...

SPIDER-GWEN with Kate (and Dan)

::Dan comes home and the Asylum in St. Paul has a distinct odor. It smells distinctly like the Minnesota State Fair:: Dan: I know I’m going to regret asking this, but why does it smell like the Great Minnesota Get Together? Kate: I nailed a huge presentation at...