Marvel Comics Writer: G. Willow Wilson Cover Artist: Sara Pichelli Yes! This book is wonderful! And it matters, a lot. Quite a bit is riding on the success of the new “Ms. Marvel.” For months the media machine has been bringing us information and tidbits about this...

The Punisher

Marvel Comics April 2014 Disclaimer: I have never liked the Punisher much. How many times can you see an unstoppable rage-machine tortured by the past take up arms against the Underworld blah blah blah? Been there, done that. So, when Marvel announced yet another...

SHAZAM Volume one

SHAZAM Vol 1. DC comics Author: Geoff Johns Illustrator: Gary Frank I was never a fan of Shazam during the pre-New 52. Back when he was Captain Marvel. In fact, I was more interested in Captain Marvel Jr. and Mary Marvel. The character just never hit me. If your...

All New Invaders with Kate (and Dan)

D: We’ve been reading a lot of “small scale stories” lately. Crime comics. Spy comics. Good stuff, but when I was a kid… K: … Oh, here we go… D: Shush, you. When I was a kid… K: YAWN. D: … I’m talking here! When I was a kid, comics were all big, multi-layered space...

Black Widow #1 with Kate (and Dan)

::Dan walks in to find Kate putting on a scuba suit:: D: C’mon, Red. It’s the middle of winter and you don’t like to swim. You don’t even like getting your face wet in the shower. K: Silly American. Don’t you know I’m a Russian super-agent? It’s true! Just like...