The Fox #1 with Kate (and Dan)

::Dan sits slumped deep in a comfy chair:: D: ::mumbles:: What a weird day… What a really, really, weird day. ::Kate stumbles through the front door, looking all a mess:: K: SWEET JESUS LORD WITH WHIPPED CREAM AND JIMMIES! D: What the hell? K: This was the most...


In 1938 two things happened that would impact my life in huge ways. That June my Father was born, second son of German immigrants who came to this country with hope in their hearts and a strong work ethic. Also 1938 saw a man from a faraway place enter their lives,...


DC COMICS November 3rd, 2013 Grant Morrison, et. Al Back in 1999 DC did a crossover event that took our heroes and shot them forward in time to the 853rd century. Written mainly by Grant Morrison with Mark Millar, Mark Waid, Ron Marz, Garth Ennis, James Robinson...

VELVET by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting

Image Comics October 2013 Sit back for a moment and think about this “What If” scenario: WHAT IF… Miss Moneypenny, instead of being happily deskbound, was actually out in the field, knee-deep in cloak and dagger intrigue? This simple exercise in role-reversal is...

Afterlife with Archie #1

Archie Comics How on this planet of ours can there possibly be an “Archie” book with zombies? Kiss. Ok, that I can get. But zombies? Impossible. “Archie” has always been the family friendly romance comic. Recently, they’ve wisely taken on current events and...