Kate (and Dan) read JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK

Dan: So Red, ready to try something weird? Kate: How many times do I have to tell you that I won’t wear the Batgirl costume? D: Hrrm. That’s not what I’m talking about this time. This time. K: ::Looks at Dan sideways:: Then what are you talking about? D: ::pulls a...

Kate (and Dan) interview Erik Burnham

Kate (and Dan) Present their Halloween Interview with Erik Burnham! (Ooooh… SCARY!) Erik, you are currently writing the GHOSTBUSTERS comic book from IDW. These are characters that all moviegoers love! How does one take these ghost busting scientists that everyone...

I, VAMPIRE volume 1: Tainted Love

I, Vampire v.1: Tainted Love When I saw the preview for this I rolled my eyes and shrugged, “DC is capitalizing on “Twilight” now.” And they probably were. Look at the facts, an extremely obscure DC character completely revamped as a shirtless, hipster-looking,...

Kate (and Dan) read BATGIRL #0

One year has gone by since we did our very first review for the Crimespree blog. To bookend our review of BATGIRL #1, we bring you (duh duh DUUUH…) Kate (and Dan) Read BATGIRL #0! (Hey, when does Dan get top billing?) Kate: Last year at this time we read the DC...