The Tom King and Mitch Gerads interview

Dan: Tom King, your previous career as a former operative for the CIA has become the stuff of legend among the Comic Book Community. Has SHERIFF OF BABYLON – a book about post-Saddam Husain Iraq – always been a book you’ve wanted to write? Or is it a case of art...

DC Universe "REBIRTH" Creator Signing

This morning, the Source Comics and Games had the unique opportunity to host a four-person signing of all Minnesota based comics creators. The signing was in relation to DC Comics best-selling Rebirth event. I was at the event nice and early, so I had the chance to...

Rebirth Begins – First Issue Reviewed

For a few years now when I talk comics with my friends, Dan and my sister Jennifer in particular, when we talk about DC comics the observation we seem to agree on more than anything else is that what has been missing is the fun, this light and the hope. From all...