WONDER WOMAN EARTH ONE Volume 1 DC Comics On Sale Date: April 6th A number of years back Marvel comics launched a line of comics under the heading Ultimate. Spider-man, E-Men, Fantastic Four and a new version of the Avengers all rebooted in a separate universe with...

SUPERMAN/BATMAN Volume 3 Reviewed

SUPERMAN/BATMAN Volume 3 DC Comics Going back to the early days of my comics reading World’s Finest was always a favorite. I loved Batman and Superman teaming up and it was obviously popular because there is almost always a tile pairing these two at any given time....

X'ED #1

Black Mask 2015   Holy crap. Yeah. So. X’ED, huh? By now, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when a Black Mask book knocks me flat on my butt. CLANDESTINO is a brutal, raw depiction of a South American revolution. WE CAN NEVER GO HOME hit me square in all the...

Crimespree At C2E2 2016

C2E2 Conor Carroll Total fandom, diverse, spectacular, straight up blast; all describe the 2016 Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo--better known as C2E2. Held at McCormick Place for the last few years, C2E2 has become a success. The event’s organizers have...