Where do you write your books? That’s one of the questions a thriller author like myself gets asked plenty of times by readers.
Where do you write your books? That’s one of the questions a thriller author like myself gets asked plenty of times by readers.
Ah workspaces, a sacrosanct, tranquil place you dream of calling your own, where you can write uninterrupted by the demands of everyday life whilst inspired by tumultuous skies or ice cream clouds skittering by as you gaze through your picture window and contemplate…
“We’ll stay 6 months max. It’s fine if you’re a hobbit, but no one else could live here.”
My workspace is a home office that I share with my husband.
I think it’s safe to say it’s been a year like no other. Since the start of the new decade, I’ve worked in four different places around my house
What I call my office is just a corner of my bedroom. I wrote my debut novel on my iPhone, and the following two anywhere I managed to sit down for more than two minutes.