Where I Work By Suzanne Chazin

I started writing my first novel on a Dell desktop in the basement of a rented house with a baby monitor beside me and the washing machine thumping in the background. Through the years, I've moved computers and homes, but kept the same routine. Ikea desk unit....

Author Work Spaces: Joseph Finder

  JOSEPH FINDER is the New York Times bestselling author of twelve previous novels, including The Fixer, Suspicion, Vanished, and Buried Secrets. Finder’s international bestseller Killer Instinct won the International Thriller Writers’s Thriller Award for Best...

Author Work Spaces: Jonathan Stone

Here it is. In all its glorious discomfort, annoyance, and frustration, though supreme reliability. My regular seat on the 8:01 from Talmadge Hill to Manhattan. It’s an hour and four minute commute in to New York in the morning, and the same back out at the end of...

Author Work Spaces: Julie Hyzy

The first two are wall maps I use far more often than I ever expected. My husband made the yellow shelves beneath the world map for me for our first Christmas when we were dating. The third one is my (always) messy desk, decorated with awards and with lovely...