Behind The Book: Kill Show

All documentary filmmakers exist in a paradox.  As they comb over the great fascinations of our world, capturing the beauty and sadness and absurdity and wonder all around us, there is a tug of war going on constantly in their heads.  The tension is between art and truth. 

behind the book: G.n. smith

Whenever I set out to write a new novel, I do the same thing so many other authors do. And when I’ve finally finished procrastinating, I get to work. With my new series, a common theme was kicked off by two major things.  To give a little context, the first in...

Behind the Book: Neil Plakcy

When I speak with readers, they’re often surprised that the music my hero listens to in my Mahu Investigations series is real. Even the most publicized musicians from Hawai’i, where the books are set, sing covers of American pop music, so it’s not surprising. Iam...