BEHIND THE BOOK: The Frozen Girl by Roberta Gately
People always assume that I am solely a women's fiction writer and that my recent foray into crime thriller is a real departure.
People always assume that I am solely a women's fiction writer and that my recent foray into crime thriller is a real departure.
Authors are often asked where we get the ideas for plots. There is no formula. I’ve written twenty novels and there’s never been two occasions when the idea came to me in the identical way.
There’s a trope in cosy mysteries whereby the hero(ine)’s special skills and experience - crossword puzzle setter, antique Chinese furniture restorer, exotic animal vet, what have you - while seemingly unrelated to crime-solving, come into play in surprising ways, enabling her to solve the mystery.
I first read Flowers in the Attic when I was fourteen. It was my first ‘dark’ read and it was certainly dark!
Stories come to me from a multitude of sources. While I don’t “rip” my stories from the headlines, often an idea grows after I read several articles and play the “what if” game.
Danger in Numbers takes place in my home state of Florida—a strange state to say the least!