Five Movies that changed my life

1. THE WIZARD OF OZ The movie that introduced me to fear. I know I’m nowhere near alone in this sentiment. It’s become almost a time-honored tradition to scare the bejesus out of small children with this move about a girl from Kansas who gets lost. What...

Five artists: Matt Cairns

      Five artists who have helped shape the course of my life   C.S.Lewis (deceased), author of children’s dreams As a kid, I couldn’t get enough of the Narnia Chronicles. I owned the entire series, reading each book more than once. Monsters, magic,...

Five that influenced me: Trey R Barker

Mom’s bookshelves were a wonderland of universes. Harlan Ellison’s Again, Dangerous Visions (the title of which scared me to death when I was exceedingly young), Fahrenheit 451, The Stand, Down To A Sunless Sea. Simak and Clarke, Hemingway and Steinbeck; Bruce...