Pet Spotlight: Michael Jecks

I have always been a dog owner. Well, dog fanatic, really. My family had at least four dogs and, as soon as I started writing, I bought a dog of my own. She was a lovely, bouncing, beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog. They are as good natured as they appear, but they...

Pet Spotlight: Atlas and Abbey

Meet Atlas and Abbey, my four-legged kids who are the reason we have a TO RELEASE HOUNDS PRESS HERE doorbell. Also, the reason we warn house guests not to wear black--it clashes with the brown fur they'll inevitably wear home--and the reason we drive a gas-guzzling...

Pet Spotlight: Alex Marwood and Baloo

My name is Baloo. I’m just like a cat, only smaller. My slave called me after the bear in the Jungle Book, because I come from a family of giants and I’m blue, but I became perilously ill at ten weeks old, and never got my growth spurt. Two years on, I’m covered in...

Pet Spotlight: Tracy Weber and Tasha

Security Chiefs and Soul Mates I never believed in love at first sight until the night I met my three-week-old puppy. I had high expectations of dog ownership. After all, I had dreamt about owning a German shepherd for well over a decade, which was how long it took...

Pet Spotlight: Spencer Quinn

Here's my crack research team, Audrey the golden retriever/Bernese mix, and Pearl, purebred golden of the very light-complected variety. Audrey's almost nine, a wonderful watchdog and a very outdoorsy type. Pearl's three, getting by on looks alone, and is the...