Even before COVID, I wasn’t a person who traveled to cafes and library lounges to write. The murmur of a nearby conversation or the melody of background music completely throws off my writing game. I prefer to write in the quiet solitude of my home office. I’m fortunate to have space where I can close the door and shut out the distractions. (No offense to my kids!) When we bought our house almost four years ago, the room that is now my office was covered in a yellow-and-green patterned wallpaper. The bright colors and frantic design made it difficult to think straight. One of the first things I did was remove the paper and paint the walls a soothing gray. I like to keep my space clean and uncluttered, so there is plenty of room for my stories to grow.
My writing space has three windows, which provide tons of natural light. My favorite view is from the large window to the side of my desk. It looks out onto an old maple tree. I am a nature lover, and I enjoy watching the leaves change over the seasons and the birds and squirrels who flit about the branches. (It turns out bird watching is a terrific way to procrastinate.) There is a walking path below the tree so I can keep track of visitors to our house. Of course, the view is a bit starker in the winter, but that also inspires my novels’ more sinister aspects.

The third window (not pictured) overlooks our backyard and is partially blocked by the pitched roof. This window provides the perfect view for spying on my kids when they’re outside. (By the way, spying on one’s kids is another sneaky-fun way to procrastinate.) On the opposite side of my writing room sits a bookshelf. I have filled the shelves with some of my favorite books and a collection of family photos. A bed for my “writing partner,” Milo, fills another corner of my room. As you can see, Milo is still learning how to use the bed! He is always at my side and ready to help and only occasionally interrupts by barking at the mail carrier.

Another benefit to writing at home is that I can spend extra time with my thirteen-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter. They are learning virtually this year due to COVID. We get to eat lunch together every day. I try not to bring food into my writing room, but I enjoy an afternoon tea or coffee while writing. Sometimes after a bad day, I’ll sit down at my keyboard and find a note like this from one of them. Talk about a positive work environment!

Between the open space, natural light, entertaining views, relative silence, stocked bookshelves, and occasional company, my writing space is uniquely perfect for me. I hope you enjoyed the tour!

Laura Wolfe writes fast-paced and twisty mystery and suspense novels. Her new and upcoming releases include TWO WIDOWS (Bookouture, August 2020), SHE LIES ALONE (Bookouture, November 2020), and THE LAKE HOUSE (Bookouture, March 2021.) Her self-published books have been shortlisted for multiple indie book awards. Laura is a lover of animals and nature. When she is not writing, she can be found hanging out with her highly-energetic kids, growing vegetables in her garden, or spoiling her rescue dog. She enjoys living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Learn more at: www.LauraWolfeBooks.com
Laura,Congress on your latest book. I will start it later today. Sharing your work space and writing room is special. Thank you
Thank you, Sue! I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner!