Season One of Life really took me by surprise. I wasn’t sure what to expect of a show with a Zen police detective. It didn’t take long for me to really fall for the show. The show has a nice episode to episode series of cases for the detectives to solve and it’s strengthened by an underlying subplot to discover who framed our hero detective cruise.
The premise is actually pretty simple. A cop is wrongly accused of murder and serves 12 years. He gets out, is awarded a crap load of money and is reinstated as a detecive in homicide.
Season One ended with finding the real killer, but not the men behind the frame up.
Damian Lewis is terrific in this role, I’ve been a fan since Band Of Brothers. The rest of the cast is great as well. Sarah Shahi as his partner Danni Reese, Alan Arkin as a former con Cruise knew in prison, and season two brought in Donal Louge as the new captain.
Season two has our detectives solving cases, which is great fun as Cruise has such a unique attitude. But the real fun is the running case of his solving who was behind his frame up. The series was canceled and I can’t help but think that caused them to put together the finale they used. It works and is in character, but I think that had the show continued it wold have been more complex.
Life is a show worth owning and with both seasons on DVD it gives hours of entertainment that will be worthy of rewatching.