Q&A with Alex Berenson

Alex Berenson’s latest book, THE COUNTERFEIT AGENT, realistically delves into the Iranian threat of creating a nuclear bomb. He introduces some new and mysterious characters, such as Salome, while bringing back all of his main characters: John Wells, Vinny Duto, and...

Q&A with Melodie Johnson Howe

Melodie Johnson Howe’s latest book, CITY OF MIRRORS, intertwines a murder mystery surrounded by the Hollywood mystique.  The reader gets a two in one, a fast paced thriller along with an understanding of what Hollywood is really like.  That is because Howe is a...

Q & A with Robin Burcell

Elise Cooper: It appears The Kill Order is very relevant to what is happening today with the NSA. Can you explain? Robin Burcell: I wanted to show in this book how we have lost our privacy. We see in my current storyline how we carry around in our pockets mini...

Q & A with Charles Todd

Elise Cooper: We at Crimespree Magazine want to offer our condolences for the loss of your husband and father. Can you tell us a little about John? Caroline and Charles Todd: He was a quiet and unassuming person. He worked with us behind the scenes. He died surrounded...