Review: OUT OF THE BLACK by John Rector

OUT OF THE BLACK 2013 Thomas and Mercer This book called to me, a very nice simple cover that got my attention. The title also made me curious. Upon opening I see this first line: “In the dream, I do everything right” At this point I’m on board. What did he do wrong?...

The Thicket by Joe R. Lansdale

Little, Brown & Company Publication date: Sept 10th, 2013 I’ve written before about how I feel Joe Lansdale is one of the 2 greatest living crime writers. In my eyes, the man can do no wrong at all. Something about his style just grabs me by the throat and leaves...

THE WRONG GIRL by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Forge Pub date: September 10th 2013 What would you do if the agency you were adopted through sent you to meet your birth mother…but you knew it was the wrong woman? Jane Ryland’s former co-worker Tuck is distraught with the knowledge that somehow she was sent to meet...

THE LAST ALIBI by David Ellis

G.P. Putnam’s Sons Pub date: August 1st 2013 Jason Kolarich, defense attorney, is in a lot of hot water. Kolarich is back at work after blowing out his knee when a strange case comes through the door. A man claims that two women he is acquainted with have been killed...