Q&A with Owen Laukkanen

Owen Laukkanen’s latest book, Kill Fee, combines societal issues with a thrilling plot. It once again reunites FBI special agent Carla Windermere with Minnesota State police investigator Kirk Stevens who attempts to find those responsible for an Internet killer for...

Steph Cha:Me & My Basset

Remember that show Room Raiders on MTV? It was this dating show where hopeful singles tried to assess the personalities and interests of potential mates by touring their rooms. Three years ago, my room would have told the story of a messy girl with a lot of books....


Last night, at the Left Coast Crime Festival, the Left Coast Crime Awards were presented. The Lefty (Best humorous mystery novel)  Brad Parks, The Good Cop (Minotaur Books) Other nominees: Donna Andrews, The Hen of the Baskervilles (Minotaur Books) Timothy Hallinan,...