ABC announces fall line-up.

ABC has announced the line-up for the 2009-10 season.Happy Town and V have my interest, but little else.Here is the press release:All times in EST.MONDAY: 8:00 p.m. “Dancing with the Stars” (two-hours)10:00 p.m. “Castle”TUESDAY: 8:00 p.m....


It is a happy day here at Crimespree Cinema. It is not unusual for us to latch onto shows that are too quirky for their own good. I am not saying we are the kiss of death, but our tastes can be a little off center.But despite our* support, Castle (ABC) and Dollhouse...

Question about television viewing habits.

So I have a quesiton for everyone out there:What television shows do you actively follow?By that I mean you either watch it live or Tivo/DVR it.Some shows I follow on DVD, but Dexter,. Numb3rs, Damages, Saving Grace, Castle and Fringe I watch each week. I simply...

Thoughts on Castle.

Nathan Fillion has been a regular on numerous television shows. Some good, some less than stellar.But Castle appears to have the potential to make him a star.In Castle, Fillion plays Rick Castle, a “bad boy” crime writer whose life is turned upside down...