Kate and Dan interview Jerry Ordway

The Jerry Ordway Interview Dan And Kate: Jerry, you’ve been in the industry since 1980. What was your debut work? What are you currently working on? Jerry Ordway: I got my first DC work on a Carmine Infantino short story, “The Lazarus Fire”, which eventually ran in...

Kate (and Dan) read ALIAS Volume Four

We find Kate (and Dan) in their office located in a Brownstone in New York. (Editor’s note: they live in a townhouse in Minnesota.) Kate is wearing baggy, day old rumpled clothes, hair hanging in her face, and a classic pair of John Lennon style sunglasses covering...


BLACK FIRE Archaia Hernan Rodriguez Pub date: Jan 3rd, 2012 $24.95 Hernan Rodriguez write and drew this book and I am blown away. It’s a creepy horror tale set against a backdrop of war in Russia with Cossacks and peasants cold tired and angry. Its survival, and...

Kate and Dan read THE GOON #39

Dan enters the Asylum in St. Paul, aka Kate and Dan’s House, to find clothing littered around the house. Dan: Kate? Why does the house look like our closets exploded? Kate: ::Looks up while wearing an astronaut helmet, cape, and fireman boots:: I was thinking that we...