Kate reads BIRDS OF PREY: Crimespree on Comics:

I’m kicking The Boy off of the computer and taking over the blog to talk a little Girl Power. As a woman who grew up watching “Wonder Woman” and wearing the matching Underoos, I take female super heroes seriously. Women in comics shouldn’t be relegated to the bubbly...

Crimespree on Comics: NANCY IN HELL

You know what’s great? Those 70’s B-movies with buxom babes, blood and over the top violence. They’re the perfect kind of cheesecake kind of fun that you can laugh at and escape for 90 minutes. You know it’s bad but who cares? Every once in a while a B-movie comes...

Crimespree on Comics: BEFORE WATCHMEN

BEFORE WATCHMEN DC Comics is doing a series of miniseries this summer and it will be under the banner “Before Watchmen”. So it’s official and fact, Watchmen prequels are coming. There has already been a LOT of crybaby behavior and whining about it. I think it’s crazy...