The Star Wars #1 Dark Horse The latest, greatest crazy idea from the “Star Wars” comic series? Adapting George Lucas’ original screenplay into a maxi-series. As it’s been pointed out by some, this could be a foolish idea. “It was the original draft for a reason.” But...

Best Comics You’ve Never Heard Of: Daytripper

It’s difficult to convince non-comic readers that comics are works of art. To them, they’re just “funny books” to appeal to the lower class. It’s impossible, they think, for a book to truly be able to evoke feeling and respect out an “actual” reader. To that, I...

Crimespree on Comics: Sweet Tooth

Vertigo Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Jeff Lemire Post-apocalyptic stories are a dime a dozen. They’re showing up in all forms of media and they’re starting to get repetitive. So, when one comes along that showcases an original idea by a voice that deserves to be heard...

BUCK ROGERS with Kate (and Dan)

::Kate is fiddling with her iPhone, complaining:: K: Dude, it’s the 21st century. Where’s my G. D. flying car already? And my laser gun? Or my laser gun mounted on my flying car?! D: ::puts pinkie finger at corner of mouth:: Would it be an “ill tempered” flying car?...