Four Brilliant Books by Jeffrey Brown

You know what everyone loves? Star Wars. And Kittens. And laughing. There are four books by one man, Jeffrey Brown, that encompass the absolute best of all of those featured subjects. Jeffrey Brown is one of the most prominent indie creators for quite a while. His...

Daredevil #25 with Kate (and Dan)

::Dan hops around the office in shiny shorts and Everlast boxing gloves, floating like a wounded duck, stinging like week-old sweat socks:: K: What’s up there, Sugar Ray? D: …left jab, right cross…That’s right…left jab, right cross… K: Nice form, Muhammad Ali. Dare I...

The relaunch of The Avengers

Relaunches of titles are a great way to boost sales for no reason. Most of the time it’s just a change of creative force or a “Bold New Era” that is strikingly similar to the first verse. “Avengers” is a prime example of how that is not true. Launched with the Marvel...

Giant-Size X-Men #1 with Kate (and Dan)

  ::Kate has her fingers pressed to her temples, while staring at The Dog with a terrible intensity:: D: Don’t make me ask. K: ::stares at dog, squints eyes:: D: C’mon. Just tell me. K: ::stares at Dog, squints eyes, starts to sweat:: D: WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU DOING???...