Trade Comic Reviews – Early June

This is just the first batch. Timm will be adding a bunch soon and I have a whole stack to read and review as well. There’s some really good stuff on the shelves right now. B.P.R.D. Garden of Souls(vol 7) and Killing Ground(vol 8) Dark Horse Comics Mike Mignola...

This Weeks Comics

Booster Gold #0 DC Comics Blue and Gold back together again. It looks like Blue Beetel will be joining Booster, at least for a while. In this issue they shoot forward to the future and decide whether or not to interfere with Booster’s history. Rip Hunter hasd...

Some Titles Not From the Big Two

Top Cow comics has a number of titles I’ve been enjoying, however THE DARKNESS has been a really interesting read and I love the artwork in the book. The character has just branched out into video games and there is a miniseries that uses that as a basis for the...