Trade Reviews

Batman – Secrets of the Batcave DC Comics This is a fun collection of Batman tales that involve the cave and it’s history. Going back to the 40’s we get diagrams of what the cave has looked like over the years, and stories that tell us about some of the trophies. It’s...

Comic Reviews From My Recliner

This week has been hot, humid and long. Last weekend threw off my sleep patterns something awful so I’ve spent the last week on my butt reading and watching DVDs, mainly Smallville, Heroes and Dexter. (all of them are wonderful) Here’s what I enjoyed this...

Wizard World Chicago 2007

After a pretty uneventful drive down from Milwaukee, two wrong turns and a 24 oz can of rockstar energy drink we arrived at the Hyatt O’Hare and unloaded our stuff Friday afternoon and headed right over to the Rosemont convention center for Wizard World Chicago...

This Week's Pile

So here the books I read this week.***Great Book*** BLACK SUMMER issue 0 Avatar Warren Ellis writing a superhero book that is not really a superhero book. This issue sets up what looks like a great series. A worls where the heros have suffered some real problems, not...