Birds of Prey #56 with Kate (and Dan)

D: This past week, I was browsing the shelf at my local used book store and came across BIRDS OF PREY: OF LIKE MINDS. This is the collection of BoP issues #56-61, Gail Simone’s first story arc for one of her most fondly remembered runs on any book. K: Don’t forget Ed...

Jon's gift guide

In no particular order here are some ideas for your gift buying needs this year. These are all things that should appeal to any fan of crime fiction. Comics: FAIREST IN ALL THE LAND by Bill Willingham and various artists (Vertigo) Someone is killing the fairest...


DC COMICS November 3rd, 2013 Grant Morrison, et. Al Back in 1999 DC did a crossover event that took our heroes and shot them forward in time to the 853rd century. Written mainly by Grant Morrison with Mark Millar, Mark Waid, Ron Marz, Garth Ennis, James Robinson and...