DAREDEVIL Movie Reboot Moving Forward

The site World of Superheroes relayed the news that Fox / New Regency is moving forward with a Daredevil reboot. The studio has hired writer David Scarpa (The Last Castle, The Day the Earth Stood Still). Rumors say Scarpa will be given latitude to reinterpret plot...


Mill Creek Entertainment Release dateL January 19, 2010 MSRP: $14.98 Stars: Lorenzo Lamas, Branscombe Richmond, Kathleen Kinmont “He was a cop, and good at his job. But he committed the ultimate sin, and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to...

Robert B.Parker R.I.P.

I heard the news this morning from Ali Karim and Sarah Weinman that Robert B. Parker, creator of Spenser, Jesse Stone, and Virgil Cole, had died “just sitting at his desk at home” at age 77. Having said many times he would continue writing novels until a)...