Guilty PLEASURES: Holly West

Despite the “Guilty Pleasures” theme, I actually make no apologies for my taste in movies. This goes double for my love of a little gem released in 1992 called SHINING THROUGH. SHINING THROUGH is a period flick featuring Melanie Griffith as a feisty, half-Jewish, U.S....

Guilty Pleasures: Julie Hyzy

Talk with me for even a little while and you won’t be surprised to learn I enjoy watching The Little Mermaid, The Princess Bride, and While You Were Sleeping, any time, any place, any day. These are great, upbeat, fun movies that I simply can’t walk past if they’re...

Guilty Pleasures: David Corbett

Guilt, Shame, Secrets & Pleasure: A Kind of Inner Heat I know most guest authors who comment on this issue discuss delightful obsessions with the tacky, pulpy, retro or just plain bad. I’d like to take a slightly different approach, if I may. Sex will be...

Guilty Pleasures: Victor Gischler

Today, Victor Gischler steps up to admit to one of his dark pleasures. Seeing how Victor is one of the baddest, hard-boiledest dudes on the planet, one would think this will be the kind of thing that leaves us with nightmares for years. GUILTY PLEASURES: ABBA EDITION....