Jon Thoughts: Punisher Max

I love the work Garth Ennis does.The Boys is loads of fun and The Preacher should be required reading. All his writing is a pleasure to read, but for me my favorite has always been the Punisher Max stuff. I have all the trades and I’m tracking down the hard...

Jon Thoughts: The Panic Days

Every two months, I sit down to do the layout on Crimespree and usually it takes a solid two days. Issue 6 and 7 involved longer than usual periods with out sleep. As I get better with the software, I think the issues look better and better. Well, number 8 is coming...

Jon Thoughts: More on Arcs

The kind of things they put on arcs and the flyers that go with them are curious. I totally understand that they are trying to sell books. To do this, they hope to achieve two main things with the advance reading copies: Get bookstores to order the books, and get...