FANTASTIC FOUR #1 by Kate (and Dan)

Kate (and Dan) are driving through some godforsaken place going to some indiscriminate locale for some unknown reason. When suddenly, Fate takes a hand… K: ::hands to face:: Goodness gracious, Dan! What has happened to the sky?! D: ::puffs pipe in a gentlemanly...

My X-Men Quest: 16yrs of Chris Claremont

Welcome to the X-Men, Adam. Hope you survive the experience! Hiya folks, Adam here. My good pal and beloved Crimespree editor Dan Malmon asked me if I would be interested in writing a piece about finishing my Chris Claremont run of Uncanny X-Men. No, not that run from...


Marvel Comics Writer: G. Willow Wilson Cover Artist: Sara Pichelli Yes! This book is wonderful! And it matters, a lot. Quite a bit is riding on the success of the new “Ms. Marvel.” For months the media machine has been bringing us information and tidbits about this...