Joseph Finder couldn’t make it to Chicago Comic Con, but his book sure did get around.

Idea and photos by The lovely Mrs. Crimespree, Ruth, seen here with the SuicideGirls.

Brian Azzarello (Filthy Rich, 100 Bullets)

B Clay Moore (Hawaiian Dick, Casey Blue,76)

Did the devil make her read it?

Girls read comics, and Joseph Finder

Jason Aaron (Scalped, Ghost Rider)

JA Konrath/Jack Kilborn (Afraid)

Luisa Buehler (The Innkeeper)

Marcus Sakey (The Amateurs)

Mark Kidwell (Bump, The Frazetta Books)

The lovely Sarah from

RD Hall (Heroes, American Wasteland)

Members of the 501st Storm Trooper Squadron about to go Death Star on the book

The Girl from Venom Energy Drinks read it FAST

Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen are waiting for the movie

Westfield Comics was in the house and Roger Ash picked up Vanished as well. (The coolest monthly service EVER) digs the book.